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Cat-lover, Catpitalist


Monday, January 21, 2008

RESOURCE: Online Marketing Resources

I went back to the library yesterday for a last round of marketing books. The Dummies books were still out, sorry, and it was Sunday so the bars were closed. No Singles Bar Test, but I have a couple more books on marketing, and then it's on to figuring out new cat-monetization strategies.

But I'm just about done with marketing books.

The reason? Frankly, books are too slow to keep up with what's going on in the world of e-marketing. In fact, this post is probably too slow, too. It's Monday, after all. But there are sources out that which can give you the lowdown of some good marketing strategies in addition to what I outline in my first post on the subject:

  • Dosh Dosh blogs on marketing with a bunch of cartoon girls. The guy behind it knows his stuff, and has more of a tech head than I ever will. And his blog's nice to look at, which is more than I can say about some of the other blog marketer/monetizers.
  • Other marketing blogs I like with useful info, throw 'em in the RSS reader in no order at all:
    • Some SEO blogs, like Shoemoney and SEO Roundtable
    • Charlene Li is smart. And she's here.
    • Seth Goodin is smart too. I'll review his new book in a couple of days. And he's here. Oddly, not monetized.
    • Practical small-business marketing at Duct Tape Marketing. The page kind of gives me a seizure, and appears to be a front end for sales, but has useful tidbits in the noise.
  • Web Worker Daily is not just marketing, but has a good overview of issues related to working online.
  • Many of the blog networking services-- Blogflux and Blogcatalog, whose icons appear to the right-- do not appear in books. Submitting to them, if they accept you, is a good way to increase the ever-elusive Page Rank, so you show up in search engines.
  • Other than that, SEO ("Search Engine Optimization") is an area ripe for guruization. In other words, people say they know a lot about it and charge you a lot for it. Of course, this world is kind of slippery-- how do you quantify it? How can you show your boss you have definitely gone up in the ranks? And if everyone is doing the same SEO stuff, what do you do? Answer: read about it, but don't pay a guru tons of money for an SEO e-b00k.
  • Fortunately, StumbleUpon and Digg! are both free. Note buttons below-- if real people like what you're doing, you can hit the roof. Publicity caused by reader interest, not spending money you don't have. I don't, anyway.
So I have registered with the services and put in social network functionality. I haven't started a "Monetize MyCatSpace" page yet, but we'll see how it goes. And I do have more hits than I did last week-- not much, but we're still building, ey? Step-by-step.