...I have an old free junk email account I use for my personal messages, like sending pictures of my cat, rather than pictures of my monetized cat, which are reserved for this blog:
It always has these ads at the top, right? They crack me up. 25% back accounts, the lost investment opportunities of Alaska's unknown wilderness, the royal Saudi mythic money machine, blah blah blah. Today's was a corker. My interpretation:
Now, this could be real. I doubt it, but it could be. I haven't clicked on it to find out because I don't want cookies and spyware infesting my machine. Certainly, the outlandish claim and the graphic design (faux-sophisticated) lead me to think otherwise. Yes, Virginia, sometimes slick marketing can make you seem like a con artist.
But most of all, it promises a secret no one's talking about. Except in BANNER ADS ON THE TOP OF FREE EMAIL ACCOUNTS EVERYONE USES!!! For pity's sake!
The only secrets I want to know are:
- Whether or not this girl is telling the truth when she says she's into me
- Whether or not the butler did it
- What my boss thinks of Maury